[:en]For one month, thanks to the participation of the collaborating establishments - committed to serving customers in Catalan at first and to maintaining this language whenever possible - Catalan students from the Servei de Català del Garraf and Vilanova i la Geltrú and students from the Escola d'Adults Teresa Mañé will be able to participate in various Catalan shopping practices outside the classroom.
These practices will be carried out in establishments, like Serra, which have joined the Voluntariat per la Llengua programme, of the Consorci per a la Normalizació Lingüística. A total of 36 establishments from various fields: food stalls in municipal markets; supermarkets; establishments selling bread, clothes, sports equipment, newspapers, books, shoes, etc. and even a cafeteria, spread throughout all the neighbourhoods of the city.
This is the 5th edition of this campaign, organised by the Catalan Service and the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú, and represents the consolidation and progressive expansion of a network of establishments committed to facilitating the use of Catalan with their customers, especially with people who are learning the language.
For one month, thanks to the participation of the collaborating establishments - committed to serving customers in Catalan at first and to maintaining this language whenever possible - Catalan students from the Servei de Català del Garraf and Vilanova i la Geltrú and students from the Escola d'Adults Teresa Mañé will be able to participate in various Catalan shopping practices outside the classroom.
These practices will be carried out in establishments, like Serra, which have joined the Voluntariat per la Llengua programme, of the Consorci per a la Normalizació Lingüística. A total of 36 establishments from various fields: food stalls in municipal markets; supermarkets; establishments selling bread, clothes, sports equipment, newspapers, books, shoes, etc. and even a cafeteria, spread throughout all the neighbourhoods of the city.
This is the 5th edition of this campaign, organized by the Servei de Català and the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú, and represents the consolidation and progressive expansion of a network of establishments committed to facilitating the use of Catalan with their clients, especially with people who are learning the language.[:ca]For a month, thanks to the participation of the establishments' collaborators -commitments to provide the first attention to clients in Catalonia and to maintain this language, as long as it remained feasible-, The Catalan learners of the Servei de Català del Garraf i Vilanova i la Geltrú and the students of the Escola d'Adults Teresa Mañé will be able to participate in various purchasing practices in Catalan outside the classroom.
These practices last long to the establishments, which, like Serra, have adhered to the Voluntary Program for Language, of the Consortium for Linguistic Normalization. A total of 36 establishments of various areas: food parades of the municipal markets; supermarkets; establishments selling pa, steals, sports material, press, free, Saturdays, etc. I, finally, a cafeteria, distributed to all the neighborhoods of the city.
This is the 5th edition of this campaign, organized by Servei de Català i l'Vilanova i la Geltrú Town Hall, and represents the progressive consolidation and expansion of a network of establishments committed to facilitating the use of Catalan to its clients, especially to people who are learning the language.[:]