This is how the Covid clause of the rental works

[:en]The Coronavirus pandemic has had a direct impact on the rental housing market. Maintaining income has become an almost impossible mission for many families who have seen their lives change overnight. To which we must add episodes of Delinquency, occupancy, oversupply and regulations of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

In addition, a significant portion of solvent tenants have been forced to terminate their rental contract in search of properties with better conditions to be able to work remotely from home. As well as students who have opted to return to the original dwelling as a result of the indefinite suspension of in-person classes.

What is the COVID-19 clause?

The COVID-19 clause provides the tenant with legal security when the rent payment ceases, identifying the restriction of the rental contract as a “cause of force majeure”. This is a document established by mutual agreement between the landlord and the tenant, through which it is allowed to break a rental contract early. On the other hand, the owner of the house may demand immediate eviction in exchange of their home to rent it out again.

However, this clause It will only be valid if the tenant meets any of the requirements stipulated therein related to the pandemic. That is, loss of employment, indefinite teleworking, etc. This extraordinary situation must be explicitly mentioned in the wording of the document along with all the assumptions that can avoid future disputesFor example, what happens to the investments made by the tenant in the property or how damage caused to equipment and furniture (if any) will be returned.

Rent Collection Insurance

Should I include it in my new rental agreement?

According to calculations by major insurers, The increase in non-payments during COVID-19 has tripled up to 15% last June. To avoid this situation, the 80% of the new rental contracts already include the “COVID clause” as a precaution in case there is a spike or another lockdown.

If you need information on how to put a house up for rent Do not hesitate to contact us. Our agents will advise you on everything you need. You can contact them through This form, the telephone number or in person at our offices. Leave it in our hands. At Serra Grup Immobiliari we will take care of you.[:ca]The Coronavirus pandemic has taken place a direct impact on the convertible housing market. Sustaining income has become an impossible task for many families who have seen life change from night to day. To which I have to add episodes of default, occupations, excess supply and regulations of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Furthermore, a significant part of solvent drivers have been forced to terminate their contract as a driver in the investigation ofproperties with better conditions to be able to telework from home Així with students who have opted for return to the original habitat in consequence of the indefinite suspension of in-person classes.

What is the COVID-19 clause?

The COVID-19 clause provides the tenant with legal security at the time of termination of the renter's payment., identifies the restriction of the convertible contract as a “causa de força major”. It is a document established by mutual agreement between the landlord and the tenant, through which it is possible to establish a driver's contract at any time. But against, The owner of the habitation may demand that Canvi immediately vacate the property. from your habitat to pose, from new to arriving.

However, this clause It will only be valid in the event that the tenant complies with any of the stipulated requirements. in the material related to the pandemic. That is to say, loss of the lloc de feina, teletreball indefinit, etc. It is worth mentioning this extraordinary situation in the writing of the document, herewith all the assumptions that try to avoid future disputes. As, for example, what will happen to the investments made by the tenant in the property or how it will compensate for the damage caused to the equipment and furniture (in case of having to do so).

Rent Collection Insurance

Can I pose her in my new contract as a convertible?

According to the calculations of the main insurers, The increase in defaults during COVID-19 has tripled We plan to arrive at a 15% next June. To avoid this situation, the 80% of our new rental contracts has included the “COVID clause” as a preventive measure in case you make a rebound or other confinement.

If you need information on composing a habitat to get there Don't hesitate to contact us. Our agents will assess everything that remains necessary. You can contact both of them throughthis form, the telephone number or contact us in person at our offices. Deixa-ho in our men. At Serra Grup Immobiliari we will take care of you.[:]

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