Vilanova City Council postpones payment of IBI due to COVID-19

[:en]Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council has announced that it will postpone the collection of the Property Tax (IBI) due to the situation arising from COVID-19. Therefore, on April 2, no collection will be made and the first will be on June 2. The council informs that the new calendar of deadlines is as follows:

Direct debit receipts


% DebtDate

June 2, 2020


October 1, 2020


November 2, 2020


December 1, 2020

Other deferred taxes

On the other hand, the council has also decided postpone payment until June of the other municipal taxes that were currently in the payment period. Specifically, the Tax on Mechanical Traction Vehicles and the tax on guales are affected.

Regarding the former, the Department of Intervention and Treasury and of Business and Innovation has explained that "the voluntary payment period is extended until June 2nd and until June, direct debits of this tax will not be charged to the account.” On the other hand, the rate of guales follows the same pattern.

The Vilanova City Council has also reported that any questions can be transmitted through the web or of the emails and

You can find the news on the official website of the City Council in this link.[:AC]The Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council has announced that it will reduce the collection of Taxes on Real Estate Bénes (IBI) due to the situation derived from COVID-19. Així doncs, next April 2nd the cap collection will not be carried out and the first one will be on June 2nd. The consistori informs that the new termini calendar is as follows:

Direct debit returns


% DeuteDates

June 2, 2020


October 1, 2020


November 2, 2020


December 1, 2020

Other daily taxes

Furthermore, the council has also decided to transfer the final payment to the month of June of the three municipal taxes that are currently in the payment period. Concretament, es veuen affectats l'Impost on Mechanical Traction Vehicles and the taxa of guals.

Regarding the first, the councilor for Intervention, Treasury and Business and Innovation has explained that “it is an extension of the voluntary term of payment at the end of June 2nd "and at the end of June it is not necessary to pay in full the domiciliated rebuts of this impost." On the other hand, the taxa of guals follow the mateix patró.

The Vilanova City Council has also informed that any doubt It can be transmitted through the web or electronic mail Yo

You can check the news on the official website of the City Council by clicking on next link.[:]

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